LG G6 vs LG v20



LG G6 vs LG V20

Why is LG V20 better than LG G6? · 8.86% faster CPU speed ? 4 x 2.15 GHzvs2 x 2.35 GHz & 2 x 1.6 GHz · Has a removable battery ? · Newer Gorilla Glass version ?

LG G6 vs LG V20:有何不同?

为什么LG G6优于LG V20? · 防尘、防水 ? · 防水 ? 防水vs无 · 可无线充电 ? · 像素密度高10.14% ? 565 ppivs513 ppi · 解析度高12.5% ? 1440 x 2880 pxvs1440 x 2560 px ...

Compare LG V20 vs. LG G6

3D size compare. Size up ; Weight, 174 g (6.14 oz), 163 g (5.75 oz) ; Build, Glass front (Gorilla Glass 4), aluminum back, aluminum frame (6000 series), Glass ...

Compare LG G6 vs. LG V20

LG G6 specs compared to LG V20. Detailed up-do-date specifications shown side by side.

LG V20 vs LG G6

LG V20 vs LG G6 ; 顯示屏尺寸, 5.70, 5.70 ; Display, 彩色/ IPS TFT 16M 顏色 1440 x 2560 px (5.70) 515 ppi, 彩色/ IPS TFT 16M 顏色 1440 x 2880 px (5.70) 565 ppi.

G6 vs V20 的取捨

如果現在這一刻,這兩部比較,大家會選那部?喜歡V20的可換電,三卡槽;喜歡G6的生活防水,屏幕尺寸。 電量的話,G6基本一天足夠嗎?不看片不玩手遊,因戶外 ...

V20 VS. G6

LG V20或許是LG最後一款, 能拆換電池旗艦機! LG G6改成防水, 功能很常見沒啥吸引力不如前者實用! 這 ...

LG G6 vs LG V20

Most notably, the V20 has a 16MP main camera and an 8MP wide-angle shooter, while the G6 is equipped with two identical 13MP image sensors. And ...

So what are the latest opinions of v20 Vs G6? : rlgv20

G6 - waterproof, noticeable smaller in hand & screen, good camera, great wide angle camera. V20 - removable battery, IR remote, larger screen & ...

LG G6 VS LG V20 手機對決結果

LG G6 VS LG V20. 26人已比較. LG G6. LG V20. 原廠價. 2017/05, 上市日期, 2016/11. 硬體效能. Android 7.0, 作業系統與版本, Android 7.0. Qualcomm, 處理器品牌 ...


WhyisLGV20betterthanLGG6?·8.86%fasterCPUspeed?4x2.15GHzvs2x2.35GHz&2x1.6GHz·Hasaremovablebattery?·NewerGorillaGlassversion?,为什么LGG6优于LGV20?·防尘、防水?·防水?防水vs无·可无线充电?·像素密度高10.14%?565ppivs513ppi·解析度高12.5%?1440x2880pxvs1440x2560px ...,3Dsizecompare.Sizeup;Weight,174g(6.14oz),163g(5.75oz);Build,Glassfront(GorillaGlass4),aluminumback,aluminumframe(6000series),Glass .....